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  • Amane
    belu publicó una entrada super chula con todos sus fics canon de gakkou ordenados por personajes y resumidos, y me pareció una idea tan chula y le ha quedado tan aesthetic and fivey que he tenido que copiarme, I JUST HAD TO (!!) yo no tengo tantos fics canon como ella, pero aún así, this is gonna be useful for me soooo... here goes

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    Alethea Ethans·the diamonds


    Alisha Welsh·prom queen

    Peorth (pre-canon, 2017-2018): resumen de cómo los padres de Alisha decidieron enviarla a estudiar a Japón y los primeros años de la chica en el país: cuenta cómo encajó con su abuela inmediatamente, provocando que cambiase sus planes iniciales de intentar volver a Estados Unidos, y también cómo conoció a Konoe; finalmente, cuenta cómo conoció a Joey en una fiesta y cómo continuaron siendo amigos, hasta que se encontraron estudiando en la misma escuela.

    God save the prom queen (sin definir, pre-canon): se cuenta cómo Alisha entró al equipo de animadoras en la primaria y continuó en el mismo en la secundaria, así como el hecho de que formar parte de aquel equipo influyó en su personalidad en el Sakura; también cuenta cómo Alisha salía con Aiden después de clases y las cosas que le permitía hacer estando con él.

    Got me up so high I’m barely breathing (verano, 2017): Alisha se escapa de casa para encontrarse con Aiden, a quién le da algo de dinero que consigue robarle a su padre. Ambos hablan un poco durante el trayecto en coche, hasta que llegan a su destino; Aiden le pide a Alisha que se quede en el coche y él sale para hacer negocios con un hombre. El hombre se da cuenta de la presencia de Alisha y la sacan del coche, pegando a Aiden cuando intenta evitarlo; Alisha ve la pistola que el hombre lleva y le dispara en la pierna, dándoles tiempo a escapar del lugar sin ser perseguidos. Aiden la ignora durante un tiempo, haciendo que Alisha acabe bebiendo más de lo normal para olvidar lo que ha pasado, y el chico vuelve a aparecer después de un tiempo, dándole un regalo por su cumpleaños y haciendo como si nada hubiera pasado.

    Please tell me I’m your one and only (verano, 2019): como todos los años, Alisha vuelve a Chicago para pasar las vacaciones de verano en ciudad natal. A pesar de saber que no es una decisión sana, visita a Aiden, su “ex-novio” para mantener relaciones. Cuando acaban, recibe una llamada de Joey y se da cuenta de lo diferente que se siente con ambos, por lo que acaba convenciéndose de que en algún momento sería libre de sus sentimientos por Aiden.

    I knew you were trouble when you walked in (verano, 2019): cuando vuelve a casa después de acostarse con Aiden, Alisha se da cuenta que el chico le ha colado hierba en la ropa. Mientras fuma, su madre entra para preguntarle cómo está y Alisha aprovecha para sincerarse un poco con ella, así como para pedirle perdón por algunas de las tonterías que ha hecho hasta el momento.

    Ehwaz (verano, 2019): Alisha vuelve a Japón después de pasar una semana en Chicago, siendo recibida en el aeropuerto por Joey en lugar de su abuela. Ambos van a casa de Alisha, llaman a granny Rose para asegurarle que todo está bien y Joey le prepara la cena a Alisha. Hacen cositas y, debido al jet lag, Alisha se queda despierta mientras Joey se queda dormido; entonces, ella se da cuenta de la cicatriz que el chico tiene. Al final, ambos se van al salón a seguir la serie que estaban viendo antes de la partida de la chica.

    You look so broken when you cry, one more and then I say goodbye (2015-2020): Aiden conoce a Alisha cuando va a un pub y ve que el guarda de seguridad no la deja pasar; se acerca a ella para conocerla y, tras hablar un poco, la invita a su apartamento. Un par de años después, Alisha vuelve a Chicago durante el verano y lo visita en su primera noche, admitiendo que está triste por haber roto con un chico; Aiden le ofrece droga y Alisha acepta, pasando así una semana de fiesta pura juntos, hasta que ella desaparece. Unos cuantos años más tarde, ambos han reducido el contacto hasta ser casi inexistente, pero tras meterse en problemas con alguien bastante peligroso, Aiden decide viajar a Japón; allí, se encuentra con Alisha y también acepta un trabajo de manos de Frank Dubois (el Quebrantahuesos).

    In such a dark place, light up the sky (1 de abril, 2020): tras la fiesta en la azotea, el grupo ve pasar una estrella fugaz y Emily pide no decepcionar nunca a nadie como deseo tras la petición de Anna; Alisha, que se queda fumando en el patio, también la ve y desea tener orgasmos todas las noches. Kashya, desde su casa, desea que a Emily le vaya bien con sus decisiones.

    Lagu (3 de abril, 2020): después de clase, Alisha sale con Eris a tomar algo y luego se acuestan, con esta última dándole unas pastillas antes de echarla de su casa. Alisha, bajo los efectos de la droga y sin saber en qué barrio se encuentra, es encontrada por Altan en un parque, quien se acerca a ayudarla tras los comentarios de su grupo de amigos. Altan la lleva a su casa, donde Alisha lo acaba besando antes de dejar que se vaya.

    Ear (6 de abril, 2020): Alisha se escapa de la academia después del receso, saltándose las clases de la tarde para quedarse bebiendo cerveza en un banco. Cuando vuelve a casa, empapada por haber estado lloviendo hasta entonces, su abuela la recibe preocupada por su aspecto. La mujer le prepara un baño y, ahí, Alisha le confiesa que está preocupada por no saber cómo ayudar a Joey al notar que no estaba bien; su abuela la anima diciendo que todo se acabará arreglando.

    Touch me, tease me, feel me up (10 de abril, 2020): Joey y Alisha hacen cositas en el club de fotografía y, cuando acaban, la chica se deja caer en los brazos del chico. Bailan un poco juntos, bromeando sobre ello en relación a la mascarada, y Joey finalmente la guía hacia el exterior del club. Primero paran en la enfermería, pero ahí ya se encuentran Anna y Altan, por lo que acaban echándose una siesta juntos en las colchonetas del armario de enseres.

    Aesc (10 de abril, 2020): tras una semana complicada, Alisha decide salir a tomar algo la noche del viernes a un pub. Allí se liga a un chico y, tras liarse con él, descubre que es tatuador, por lo que acaba yendo a su casa para que le haga un pequeño tatuaje en la zona de las costillas; pasa la noche en su piso y se guarda su número de teléfono.

    Tonight we’re gonna dance in the moonlight and then we’re gonna do it some more (15 de abril, 2020): Alisha invita a Joey a cenar a un sitio fancy por su cumpleaños y, cuando acaban de comer, ambos van al piso del chico a pasar la noche. Alisha llama a Matty cuando llegan, para compartir la tarta que han traído, y tras contarle cómo fue la cena, se despiden de él. Joey y Alisha se van al cuarto del primero, hacen cositas y acaban durmiendo acurrucaditos.

    And if it’s quite alright I need you, baby, to warm these lonely nights (16 de abril, 2020): tras haber pasado la noche durmiendo juntos, Joey se despierta temprano para preparar el desayuno y, antes de irse, despierta a Alisha. Pasan la mañana siendo la bickering domestic couple que adoramos: desayunan juntos, Alisha se ducha ahí y le pide a Joey que la maquille, cosa que el chico hace encantado, se viste y ambos van juntos a la escuela.

    I’ve had enough, but you’re too hard to quit (22 de abril, 2020): Alisha se prepara para picar algo y echarse una siesta después de clases, pero sus planes se ven interrumpidos cuando llaman a la puerta y se encuentran con Aiden de frente. Una vez superada la sorpresa inicial, Aiden entra en la casa y ambos hablan un poco, con Alisha finalmente aceptando ayudarle a acomodarse en el país, a pesar de su reticencia inicial; Aiden también le regala un teléfono móvil.

    I promised myself not to slip back into old habit (27 y 28 de abril, 2020): Alisha se despierta con alguien más en su cama; al principio cree que se trata de Joey, pero después descubre que es Aiden. Creyendo que se ha acostado con este último, lo echa de su casa y decide saltarse las clases. Después de ducharse, llama a Christian, uno de sus ligues, para quedar con él; se acuestan y le roba el móvil, además de algo de dinero, antes de irse del hotel donde habían estado. Alisha acaba en el parque Ueno, donde están preparando la zona del festival Yozakura, y tras romper y tirar el móvil que Aiden le había regalado, llama a una chica para comprarle algo de hierba. A la mañana siguiente, Aiden la llama para asegurarle que no se habían acostado y Alisha, aliviada por ello, decide volver al Sakura para esperar a Joey en la salida y pasar el resto del día con él.

    Well, if you wanna leave, there ain't nobody stopping you (3 y 22 de junio, 2020): Aiden recibe a Aria en la habitación de hotel donde se está quedando, pues la chica le está ayudando con el idioma; Aria le ofrece la dirección de un apartamento para que se mude, dan la "clase particular" y, por la tarde, ella se despide al tener una cita con Teruaki, dejándole un beso en la mejilla al chico. Semanas después, Alisha sale a tomar algo con Riamu, y al volver a casa se encuentra a Aiden en la puerta; ambos discuten un poco y la muchacha acaba bebiendo algo más por culpa de las palabras de él.

    She's so magnetic, pulls you in everytime (12 y 13 de junio, 2020): Alisha y Joey invitan a Jack a salir de fiesta la noche del viernes, para pasa el rato y celebrar que el muchacho tiene una cita al día siguiente. Los tres van al Villa, donde beben, bailan y Alisha acaba liándose con Jack; ella se lo lleva a su casa y se acuestan. Al día siguiente, Joey aparece llevándose el desayuno, Alisha saluda a su abuela y los dos le regalan un conjunto de ropa a Jack para su cita, despidiéndolo antes de tirarse al sofá a pasar el resto de la mañana juntos.

    Emily Hodges·coraline

    Dagaz (sin definir, pre-2017): Emily se da cuenta de que alguien se está mudando en la casa que hay al lado de la suya y sale emocionada para conocer a sus nuevos vecinos. Sin embargo, se sorprende al descubrir que, junto al camión, solo hay una niña albina de más o menos su edad; más tarde, aprende que se llama Kashya y que sus padres siguen trabajando en Escocia. Emily invita a Kashya a cenar con ellos, empezando así la amistad entre ellas.

    Ansuz (2019): mientras cena con su familia, Emily les cuenta lo bien que le ha ido con una tarea de la escuela; sin embargo, el tema de conversación cambia rápidamente hacia su hermano. Después, Fred la busca para animarla, pero Emily le acaba dando largas cuando el tema se centra en lo que va a estudiar en el futuro.

    In such a dark place, light up the sky (1 de abril, 2020): tras la fiesta en la azotea, el grupo ve pasar una estrella fugaz y Emily pide no decepcionar nunca a nadie como deseo tras la petición de Anna; Alisha, que se queda fumando en el patio, también la ve y desea tener orgasmos todas las noches. Kashya, desde su casa, desea que a Emily le vaya bien con sus decisiones.

    And I can chat with you baby, flirt a little maybe (4 de abril, 2020): tras haber pasado la noche anterior bebiendo con Katrina, Emily se despierta en casa de Kashya y pasa la mañana con ella antes de volver a su propia casa. Allí, mientras se prepara para salir con Anna, habla con su hermano sobre sus salidas. Una vez reunida con Anna, ambas van al cine, luego al Bar Psy y, finalmente, pasan el rato en un parque.

    I swear on my life that I’ve been a good girl (9 de abril, 2020): Emily vuelve a casa algo desanimada tras una interacción con Anna, por lo que se encierra en su cuarto para estudiar. Su hermano, sin embargo, entra y descubre la invitación a la mascarada de ese fin de semana. Cuando Emily le dice que no cree ir, Fred le pide que se vista y se la lleva a Ginza para visitar a una amiga de hace tiempo. Esta amiga le regala un vestido para la mascarada, a cambio de pedirle que luego le cuente cómo fue, y así consigue convencerla de ir.

    She’s just a kid, but she feels something weighing on her (21 de abril, 2020): Emily decide cumplir su problema de visitar a Sadashi para contarle sobre la mascarada, por lo que viaja hasta Ginza esa misma tarde para ello. Ambas van a una cafetería del lugar y, ahí, Emily le cuenta sobre la mascarada, así como también le cuenta sobre la gente del Sakura: Anna, Kohaku, Katrina… Sadashi reconoce el libro que Emily llevaba consigo, aunque no le cuenta nada a Emily sobre ello, y finalmente se despiden entrada la noche.

    Eun-bi Hwang·time for the moon night


    Kashya Thornton·paradise lost

    Dagaz (sin definir, pre-2017): Emily se da cuenta de que alguien se está mudando en la casa que hay al lado de la suya y sale emocionada para conocer a sus nuevos vecinos. Sin embargo, se sorprende al descubrir que, junto al camión, solo hay una niña albina de más o menos su edad; más tarde, aprende que se llama Kashya y que sus padres siguen trabajando en Escocia. Emily invita a Kashya a cenar con ellos, empezando así la amistad entre ellas.

    In such a dark place, light up the sky (1 de abril, 2020): tras la fiesta en la azotea, el grupo ve pasar una estrella fugaz y Emily pide no decepcionar nunca a nadie como deseo tras la petición de Anna; Alisha, que se queda fumando en el patio, también la ve y desea tener orgasmos todas las noches. Kashya, desde su casa, desea que a Emily le vaya bien con sus decisiones.

    Kenneth Thornton·playboy


    Riamu Yumemi·bubblegum bitch

    Algiz (3 de abril, 2020): Riamu vuelve a casa después de su primer día en el Sakura y es recibida por Nana, la mujer que la lleva cuidando desde que es pequeña. Más tarde recibe una llamada de Hitoshi, un chico con el que se suele ver, invitándole a salir por Shibuya junto a sus amigos. Pasan el rato juntos, pero cuando Hitoshi le pregunta por sus padres, Riamu cambia rápidamente de humor y decide llevárselo a su casa para pasar la noche juntos, sabiendo que él nunca le va a decir que no a nada.

    And if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight (12 de abril, 2020): tras haberse conocido en la mascarada jugando a la botella, Riamu invita a Joey a su casa para acabar lo que empezaron en la casa de Katrina. Joey aparece con una gorra de detective, siguiendo la broma que ya habían empezado en la fiesta, y Riamu lo guía hasta la caja fuerte. Después de varios intentos, Joey consigue abrir la misma y lo único que encuentra son unos caramelos que la chica ha dejado ahí de antemano. Pasan un rato en el jacuzzi, se acuestan en la habitación de Riamu y acaban la tarde jugando a la consola.

    ‘Cause I feel like I’m the worst so I always act like I’m the best (13 de abril, 2020): cuando vuelve a casa después de clases, Riamu es recibida por Nana, quien le informa que ha recibido una llamada de su madre para indicarle que le preparase la maleta para un viaje. Riamu le devuelve la llamada para decirle que no puede irse en mitad de la semana escolar, dándose cuenta que su madre no había tenido eso en cuenta al escuchar su respuesta, y tras una discusión, finalmente Riamu cede y acepta ir a China un par de días para ayudarla.

    Satoko Shichimiya·spring again

    Jera (abril, 2020): Satoko y su padre se preparan para cenar con una compañera del trabajo del hombre, Sunhee. Los tres cenan mientras la mujer les cuenta sobre su vida y Satoko decide que la mujer le cae realmente bien; sin embargo, después de despedirse de ella, se asoma por la puerta de su cuarto y ve como su padre le da un beso. A pesar de la sorpresa, Satoko le dice a su padre que quiere conocerla más y que a su madre también le hubiese caído bien.

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    a quem, Sensy, Bruno TDF y 3 más les gusta esto.
  • Amane
    en teoría publiqué esto ayer pero la entrada desapareció so idk (?) en fin, que quiero completar este reto pero no quiero editar el tema de la actividad con los escritos cuz sería weird so voy a ponerlos aquí porque mi five necesita llevar registro de todo.

    ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  RETOS .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .​
    1. Para la amistad | friendship
    2. Para el amor de nuestra vida | of your life
    3. Para las mascotas | pet
    4. Para la familia, la que nos tocó o la que elegimos | family
    5. Para nosotros mismos | oneself
    6. Para aquel amor que nos rompió el corazón | broken
    7. Para aquella persona que se fue, pero dejó bonitos recuerdos | gone
    8. Para aquella actividad que nos hace feliz | activity
    9. Para ese momento que siempre recordaremos | moment
    10. Para uno o más amores | more than one
    11. Para aquellos que simplemente nos resultan atractivos, porque la vida también trata de divertirse un poco | attractive
    12. Para el pasado | past
    13. Para el futuro | future
    14. Para aquel lugar que siempre tendrá un hueco en nuestra vida | place
    15. Para el amor | love
    a Ichiinou y Gigi Blanche les gusta esto.
  • Amane
    1. Collaring
    2. Bondage
    3. Deep-Throating
    4. Begging
    5. Rimming
    6. Sensory Deprivation
    7. Spanking
    8. Orgasm Denial
    9. Branding
    10. Daddy Kink
    11. Master/Slave
    12. Hair Pulling
    13. Biting
    14. Praise Kink
    15. Impact Play
    16. Three(more)-some
    17. Overestimulation
    18. In public
    19. Scars
    20. Double Penetration
    21. Domination/Submission
    22. Frottage
    23. Gags
    24. Boot Worship
    25. Asphyxiation
    26. Hate Sex
    27. Aprhodisiacs
    28. Sadism/Masochism
    29. Punishment
    30. Suspension
    31. Aftercare
  • Amane

    La sonrisilla de Samuel al darse cuenta que era Carla being cute STOP I'M CRYING


    They look so domestic SOS


    a Tarsis, SweetSorrow, Nekita y 1 persona más le gusta esto.
  • Amane
    a Rita, Tarsis, SweetSorrow y 2 más les gusta esto.
  • Amane


    a Factummale, Kaladin y Etihw les gusta esto.
  • Amane
    Español: II.
    Japonés, subtítulos en inglés: I.
    Inglés: 0
    a SweetSorrow le gusta esto.
  • Amane
    First of all, I would like to do an introduction about what a conspiracy theory is and which three I have chosen.

    A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes an unwarranted conspiracy, generally one involving an illegal or harmful act carried out by government or other powerful actors. Conspiracy theories often produce hypotheses that contradict the prevailing understanding of history or simple facts.

    There are a lot of different theories and many of them are popular, but in my case I decided to choose three that I liked the most. The first one I’ll explain is about the moon landing, whether it is true or not the fact that men has arrived to the moon. Then I’ll talk about the mysterious disappearance of the flight 379, and finally I will explain a part of the theories about the 9/11 attack.

    So, let’s start with the first one.

    As we know, Apollo 11 was the name of the spaceflight that landed the first two humans on the Moon. These two humans, Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin, both American, landed the lunar module Eagle on July 20, 1969.

    It clearly was a big step to humanity but, not many years later, 10 to be more exact, Bill Kaysing wrote and published a book (We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle) that was the first step to one of the biggest conspiracy theory ever.

    To sum up, it is said that NASA needed to do something like this because of the Cold War and Vietnam War. Landing to the Moon would make America win the technological and special race that was holding with the Soviet Union, but it was too dangerous. This would also distract public attention from the unpopular Vietnam War. That’s why it is thought that could be faked.

    I found an enormous list of arguments and rebuttals. Most of them are based on oddities that can be found in the photos and videos of the spaceship. For example, conspiracists say that in the photos we can’t see the stars, that it was impossible for the flat to flutter because there is no wind in the moon or that the lights and the shadows are inconsistent. However, specialists have been explaining the reasons of all of this: they explain that the stars were outshone by the sunlight, in the original videos we can see that the flag it is not fluttering at all and there are a lot of photos that had been edited by the public, that’s why the shadows and the lights are odd.

    Now the second one, the mysterious disappearance of the flight 470.

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia, to its destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China. The aircraft has not been recovered, and the cause for the disappearance remains unknown.

    This uncertainty about what happened made people develop their own theories.

    The most realistic ones say that it could have been a kidnapping or a terrorist act, especially because there were two Iranians with robbed passports. However, investigations concluded that it was just a case of irregular immigration. It is possible that it was a carelessness, mostly because the first official has precedents being irresponsible during a flight. There is also the possibility of a suicide or a technical error.

    However, we have some unrealistic ones too. Some people said it could be hidden and prepared to attack Israel, some other said that it could have been related with an economical reason. Apparently, in that flight were travelling four Chinese associated with a patent that America launched some days after the accident. After the death of this four men, an American company would have the total control of the patent. And well, there are even people that think aliens could have been involved.

    Anyway, even if we don’t really know what happened or where the airplane and the passengers are, it seems like it has been found some parts of the plane at the Indian Ocean so I hope someday they will find out what really happened.

    And finally, probably the most talked attack that happened in the modern history: the September 11 terrorist attacks against United States.

    The theories can be divided into three categories: Let it happen on purpose, claiming that the government knew about this attacks and did what they could to let it happen; Make it happen on purpose, suggesting that the government planned the attack in collaboration, or framing, Al-Qaeda; or others.

    On one hand, some people think that the United States government knew about all of this and let it happen, decreasing the defences and allowing the entrance of the hijackers even if some of them shouldn’t have gotten in the United States because there was something wrong with their passports.

    On the other hand, some other people think that it was all planned by the government, that the Twin towers were actually collapsed by a controlled demolition and that the Pentagon was attacked by a missile, which mean that the attack was faked.

    But why all of this? It seems like everything was planned to give the United States a reason enough to declare the war and attack Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. And that wouldn’t sound so crazy considering that the explosion of the Main during 1898 was a good reason to attack Spain and win Cuba.

    But, in the end, we will never know if these theories are true or not. However, I think is fascinating how we are capable of thinking all of these theories and how they become so famous because the rest of the people believe in them.

    Nota: 7.75/10
    a Juanjomaster le gusta esto.
  • Amane

    · Animals have a right not to be harmed

    Not only they closely resemble us anatomically and physiologically, but they behave in ways which seem to convey meaning. They recoil from pain, appear to express fear of a tormentor, and appear to take pleasure in activities. Our reasons for believing that our fellow humans are capable of experiencing feelings like ourselves can surely only be that they resemble us both in appearance and behaviour (we cannot read their minds). Thus any animal sharing our anatomical, physiological, and behavioural characteristics is surely likely to have feelings like us. If we accept as true for sake of argument, that all humans have a right not to be harmed, simply by virtue of existing as a being of moral worth, then we must ask what makes animals so different. If animals can feel what we feel, and suffer as we suffer, then to discriminate merely on the arbitrary difference of belonging to a different species, is analogous to discriminating on the basis of any other morally arbitrary characteristic, such as race or sex.

    · Animal research necessitates significant harm to the animals involved

    Animal research, by its very nature necessitates harm to the animals. Even if they are not made to suffer as part of the experiment, the vast majority of animals used, must be killed at the conclusion of the experiment. With 115 million animals being used in the status quo this is no small issue. Even if we were to vastly reduce animal experimentation, releasing domesticated animals into the wild, would be a death sentence, and it hardly seems realistic to think that many behaviourally abnormal animals, often mice or rats, might be readily moveable into the pet trade. It is prima fasciae obvious, that it is not in the interest of the animals involved to be killed, or harmed to such an extent that such killing might seem merciful. Even if the opposition counterargument, that animals lack the capacity to truly suffer, is believed, research should none the less be banned in order to prevent the death of millions of animals

    · Research can be done effectively without experimenting on living creature

    As experimenting on animals is immoral we should stop using animals for experiments. But apart from it being morally wrong practically we will never know how much we will be able to advance without animal experimentation if we never stop experimenting on animals. Animal research has been the historical gold standard, and in the case of some chemical screening tests, was for many years, by many western states, required by law before a compound could be released on sale. Science and technology has moved faster than research protocols however, and so there is no longer a need for animals to be experimented on. We now know the chemical properties of most substances, and powerful computers allow us to predict the outcome of chemical interactions. Experimenting on live tissue culture also allows us to gain insight as to how living cells react when exposed to different substances, with no animals required. Even human skin leftover from operations provides an effective medium for experimentation, and being human, provides a more reliable guide to the likely impact on a human subject. The previous necessity of the use of animals is no longer a good excuse for continued use of animals for research. Thus modern research has no excuse for using animals.

    · Some groups of people have less capacity for suffering than most animals

    It is possible to conceive of human persons almost totally lacking in a capacity for suffering, or indeed a capacity to develop and possess interests. Take for example a person in a persistent vegetative state, or a person born with the most severe of cognitive impairments.

    We can take three possible stances toward such persons within this debate. Firstly we could experiment on animals, but not such persons. We could be morally consistent, and experiment on both animals and such persons. Common morality suggests that it would be abhorrent to conduct potentially painful medical research on the severely disabled, and so this stance seems equally unsatisfactory. Finally we could maintain moral consistency and avoid experimenting on the disabled, by adopting the stance of experimenting on neither group, thus prohibiting experimentation upon animals.

    · Would send a positive social message, increasing animal welfare rights more generally in society

    Most countries have laws restricting the ways in which animals can be treated. These would ordinarily prohibit treating animals in the manner that animal research laboratories claim is necessary for their research. Thus legal exceptions such as the 1986 Animals Act in the UK exist to protect these organisations, from what would otherwise be a criminal offense. This creates a clear moral tension, as one group within society is able to inflect what to any other group would be illegal suffering and cruelty toward animals. If states are serious about persuading people against cock fighting, dancing bears, and the simple maltreatment of pets and farm animals, then such goals would be enhanced by a more consistent legal position about the treatment of animals by everyone in society.


    · Animals' rights are of less moral worth than human rights

    Humans are complex beings with large well developed brains, that form sizeable social groups, have significant ability to communicate with one another, possess interconnected desires, preferences and interests about the world, have an awareness of their own existence and mortality, and as such are beings worthy of moral consideration. Animals too express some of these characteristics to some degree and thus animals too are worthy of moral consideration. However, animal lives and human lives are of unequal value. This is due to the fact that no animal possesses all of these characteristics to the same degree as the average human, or even comes particularly close. Therefore animals should not rightly possess the same rights to not be experimented upon as humans might. To the extent to which causing some harm to animals brings great benefit to humans, we are morally justified in creating some moral harm, to achieve a far greater moral good.

    · People would die and suffer needlessly under such a policy

    23 new drugs are introduced each year in the United Kingdom alone. While almost all of these drugs will have been brought to the market after extensive animal testing, the number of animals used to check their safety only seems to be a high cost when the benefits that each drug brings to its users are inadequately considered.

    New drugs that are approved for medical use have the potential to relieve human pain and suffering not only for the first group of patients given access to them, but also for future generations of sick and suffering individuals too. Consider all the lives, all over the world, that have benefitted from penicillin since its discovery in 1928. If drugs cost more to research and develop, then that reduces potential profit margins, and some drugs that would have otherwise been discovered and released will fall below the new threshold of likely profits necessary to fund the research. Adopting this proposition will lead to more people suffering and dying in the future than would have otherwise been the case.

    · Animal research is necessary for the development of truly novel substances

    Undoubtedly then, the most beneficial research to mankind is the development of truly novel drugs. Even according to the proposition this represents about a quarter of all new drugs released, which could be seen as significant given the great potential to relieve the suffering beyond our current capacity that such drugs promise.

    After the effects, side effects and more complex interactions of a drug have been confirmed using animal and non-animal testing, it will usually pass to what is called a phase I clinical trial - tests on human volunteers to confirm how the drug will interact with human physiology and what dosages it should be administered in. The risk of a human volunteer involved in a phase I trial being harmed is extremely small, but only because animal tests, along with non-animal screening methods are a highly effective way of ensuring that dangerous novel drugs are not administered to humans. In the United Kingdom, over the past twenty years or more, there have been no human deaths as a result of phase I clinical trials.

    Novel compounds are the substances that hold the most promise for improving human lives and treating previously incurable conditions. However, their novelty is also the reason why it is difficult for scientists to predict whether they may cause harm to humans.

    Research into novel compounds would not be possible without either animal testing, or tremendous risk to human subjects, with inevitable suffering and death on the part of the trial volunteers on some occasions. It is difficult to believe that in such circumstances anyone would volunteer, and that even if they did, pharmaceutical companies would be willing to risk the potential legal consequences of administering a substance to them they knew relatively little about. In short, development of novel drugs requires animal experimentation, and would be impossible under the proposition's policy.

    · Animal research is only used where other research methods are not suitable

    Developed countries, including the US and all members of the EU, have created laws and professional regulations that prevent scientists from using animals for research if other, non-animal research methods would produce equally clear and detailed results.

    The principle described above is also enshrined in the "3Rs" doctrine, which states that researchers and their employers have a duty to identify ways to refine experiments conducted on animals, so that yield better results and cause less suffering; replace animals used in research the non-animal alternatives where possible; and reduce the number of animals used in research. Not only does the 3Rs doctrine represent a practical way to reconcile the necessity of animal research with the universal human desire not to cause suffering, it also drives scientists to increase the overall quality of the research that they conduct. Governments and academic institutions take the 3Rs doctrine very seriously. In EU countries scientists are required to show that they have considered other methods of research before being granted a license for an animal experiment.

    There are a huge number of ways of learning about our physiology and the pathologies which affect it, including to computer models, cell cultures, animal models, human microdosing and population studies. These methods are used to complement one another. Nonetheless, there is some research which cannot be done any other way. It is difficult to understand the interaction of specific sets of genes without being able to change only these genes – something possible through genetically modified animals.

    Finally, as noted above, given the high cost of conducting animal research relative to other methods, there is a financial incentive for institutions to adopt non-animal methods where they produce as useful and accurate results.

    · Animals involved in animal research are mostly well treated.

    The vast majority of animals used in research are not subjected to suffering. Where there may be pain, they are given painkillers, and when they are euthanized it is done humanely. They are looked after well, as the health of the animals is usually not only required by law and good practice, but beneficial for the experimental results. Many of these animals live better lives than they might have done had they been born into the wild. Many animals, and indeed humans, die untimely deaths that are due to reasons other than old age, animal experimentation may increase these numbers slightly but so long as the animals are treated well there should be no moral objection to animal research. If the foundation of the argument for banning animal experimentation is therefore based upon the cruel treatment and pain suffered by animals then this is a reason for regulation to make sure there is very little suffering rather than an outright ban.

    Postura que tuve que defender: Contra.
    Nota: 14/20
    a Juanjomaster le gusta esto.
  • Amane

    First of all, I would like to introduce what “gay or LGBT community” means. LGBT is an initialism that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. This community fight to achieve an equality of rights for all the people that identifies themselves with one or another sexuality.

    And one of those rights is to be able to get married.

    Reasons and opinion

    So… should they be able to get married? From my point of view, yes, they should.

    Nowadays, everything related with this community it seems to be a very hot issue and there are a lot of varied opinions. However, it looks like the arguments are always the same.

    The people who consider that they should not marry usually say that because they thinks that men who loves men or women who loves women are not normal, normally turning to the Bible and the religion.

    I hold the view that marriage is not question of gender but of love and that everyone should be able to marry however they like, without being ruled out.

    Gay people are humans too and they deserve to be treated like that. I feel very disappointed knowing that there are countries which proclaim to be the most advanced but they don’t accept and punish this kind of love. Yes, because by not letting these people to marry they are punishing them.

    The gay marriage it has nothing to do with religion but with the State, because if they could marry they would have the same rights as a heterosexual couple, something that they don’t have with the civil union. For example, with medical attention and adoption.


    In conclusion, if we give them the opportunity to marry, they would live more easily and safe. If people see them as someone else, they will end up being more accepted and youth suicide related with this issue will probably diminish.

    So yes, I believe all the people should be able to marry with the person who loves no matter what, because love has nothing to do with religion, politics or ideologies, love is more important and we should not stop it.

    Nota: 6.5/10
    a Juanjomaster le gusta esto.
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