Color de fondo
Imagen de fondo
Color del borde
  1. I have stardust on my eyes
    I am blind of desire
    So many bright lights
    In this demanding night

    I see many faces
    Wicked souls on weekend
    But she is my beloved
    At the end

    I lost my mind
    And i don’t mind if you regret
    What we made
    At that night

    If you let me find
    If i’m good for you, because
    I’m color blind
    About this drugs
  2. I was just too kind
    And you was too young to hate
    In this calvary
    We talk death to death

    Because a lonesome
    Don't deserve anything
    That pain in excess
    And you are loner indeed

    I love you
    The less you breathe
    So let this lonely moment
    Just getting lonelier